Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cheri Bustos lies about not being a member to any country club

According to records available to the public, there is a C. Bustos that was a member of the Wakonda Country Club in Des Moines.

Is this Cheri Bustos? She did live and work in Des Moines for the past 4 years. Did she have a membership there? Did have a membership through the hospital?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bustos fails to get truthful ad taken down

Cheri Bustos cannot take the heat. She's been throwing a tantrum over an ad that lambasts her for blowing $625k on a road in front of her house. The ad makes. Point of saying that Bustos is simply looking out for number one.

She is.

She's the most selfish person that I have ever worked for.

I'm glad that the tv stations have refused to pull the ad. Bustos is barking up the wrong tree.

Bustos lies about outsourcing

Cheri Bustos, who doubled the unemployment rate while at the city of East Moline, is trying to tie Schilling to outsourcing.

The problem? There are no facts to back up these claims.

The bigger problem? Bustos exported jobs from East Moline while on the city council. The Bustos record on jobs is embarrassing.

If you love gay marriage and abortion, vote Bustos. But if your priorities are job creation and recovery, think differently.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cheri Tales Chapter 15--Cheri Bustos tells Illinois jobs to "Move On"

Good Morning –
Welcome to Chapter 15 of Cheri Tales. This troubling tale focuses on Cheri Bustos and her support for ObamaCare which is already causing damage for job creators in Illinois. Recently, Cook Medical, which has a location in Canton, was set to build factories throughout the Midwest that would employee up to 300 people each but thanks to Cheri Bustos’ ObamaCare and its massive tax on medical devices, Illinois families can kiss those jobs goodbye.
In Cheri Bustos’ healthcare law is a 2.3 percent tax on sales of all medical devices. This law, and its tax increase, is already proving to be disastrous to medical device makers looking to expand like Cook Medical. So why would Cheri Bustos support this healthcare takeover which will stop job creation in Illinois?
A spokesperson for Cook Medical said this on the new massive tax from Bustos’ healthcare takeover:
"This is the equivalent of about a plant a year that we're not going to be able to build," a company spokesman told
He said the original plan was to build factories in "hard-pressed" Midwestern communities, each employing up to 300 people. But those factories cost roughly the same amount as the projected cost of the new tax.
"In reality, we're not looking at the U.S. to build factories anymore as long as this tax is in place. We can't, to be competitive," he said. (Fox News, 7/27/12)
NRCC Statement: “Cheri Bustos has a history of supporting job-destroying policies as an East Moline Alderman and now she is already costing Illinois jobs with her support of Nancy Pelosi’s job-destroying government takeover of healthcare. Just imagine how much more damage Cheri Bustos will do if she makes it to Congress.” - NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Pril

Cheri Bustos forgot something in her ad

She forgot to mention where she worked.

Is that weird? All we know from the ad is that she is married to a cop and has some kids who like pizza.

Is she ashamed of her time on the city council? What about working for Iowa Health Systems in Des Moines?

Looks like she's just trying to get people to like her before she goes apeshit on Bobby Schilling.

One thing is for sure, she's an ego-maniac.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Bustos Inept Campaign Manager

So the Cheri Bustos campaign got shocked with another poll released by Schilling. It showed Schilling with a 13 point lead.

So what was their response?

They decided to release a February poll that showed them down by "only" 9 points.

Why would the Bustos campaign make such a stupid move? Does Allison Jaslow have any campaign experience? Looks like she wasn't the best pick. Anyway Cheri can get Matt Larson back? At least he wasn't this inept.

This was supposed to be a shoe-in. How have they managed to turn it into a cluster of horrible everything except good fundraising?

Cheri will have a new campaign manager in a matter of weeks. Watch for a couple weeks of silence from Jaslow and then the sudden announcement.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bustos Bullsh*t...again

So Cheri Bustos sent out another hypocritical email yesterday crying about a super PAC coming in to run ads against her. She decries them for being secretive and running a smear campaign against her...


You are against smear campaigns and secretive organizations?

I'm glad to know that! What a relief that you will be returning the half a million dollars that radical pro-abortion group, Emily's list has steered to your campaign and that you will stop using the "Lie of the Year" (ending Medicare)!

No one believes Cheri Tales and no ones believed her Bustos Bullsh*t.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cheri Bustos: Profile in Hypocrisy

Why does Cheri Bustos attack Bobby Schilling for having fundraisers with $2,500 sponsorships? Especially when she is just as guilty. In fact, she's even worse.

Last month in Chicago, Cheri Bustos had a joint fundraiser at wrigley field --- not even in her district where the lowest price one could pay to watch the Cubs lose was $2,500. They had bigger sponsorships available at $5,000, $10,000, and $25,000.

This isn't the first fundraiser out of district she has had. Cheri Bustos also had a $5,000 a head fundraiser at Roots Pizza in Chicago. I know another out of district fundraiser.

The pizza fundraiser was put on by Emily's List and Ald. Joe Moreno. Emily's List is a radical pro-abortion group that only supports candidate who believe in completely unrestricted abortion rights. This means no parental notification laws, no late term abortion bans and tax payer funding of a abortion.

Cheri has actually raised around 87% of her money outside of the 17th district. The majority of her donations come from Chicago, Springfield, DC, and Des Moines.

Why has she raised more money outside the district? Because everyone in the Quad Cities hates Cheri Bustos. She's mean, uncaring and has a history of treating people like garbage just to advance her own cause.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Co-workers against Cheri Bustos?

A neighbor and friend of mine joked the other day about starting a group called, "Co-workers Against Cheri Bustos"

She said that Bustos was an insufferable person to work with at the hospital. She made people cry and hate their job. She also made a few people quit.

I mentioned yesterday that now that Cheri was running for congress, she would try to reinvent herself. Well, I was right. I found all of these bullshit fluff videos on her YouTube page. Are these people being paid? Or are they just afraid of Cheri's wrath?

Anyways, I hear Schilling is aware of her treatment of others and will fully take advantage of it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cheri Bustos: A Local Celebrity

Did you know that while Cheri Bustos was making $400,000 a year off of the health care industry, she set a world record for most video conference substitutions on the east moline city council?

That's right.

You see Cheri Bustos has lived in Des Moines for the past 5 years. Rather than resign from the city council, she instead video conferenced into the city council meetings.

3 aldermen that served with her have told me that this is when she earned the nick name: Hollywood Cheri.

If you talk to anyone who actually worked with Cheri, she is only concerned with promoting herself. She's selfish and uncaring.

Now she's running for Congress and reinventing herself. It won't work.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Biggest Lie

In Illinois, the 2012 general election results will hinge on whether voters swallow or reject the biggest lie ever told.

In the Quad Cities, we've had to suffer under 1 party rule for almost 30 years. Democrats have controlled everything from the top to the bottom. The result? Literally tens of thousands of job losses in the area.

Locally, democrats lost 3 county board seats, a state representative seat, and the congressional seat.

They still control basically every other elected position locally.

Will voters believe RICO Democrats or will they look at reality and send elected democrats, who have ruined our local area, packing?

ObamaCare Could Put 163,000 Illinois Seniors’ Medicare Benefits at Risk: Will Bustos Join the Fight to Protect It?

Washington Democrats Make Defending ObamaCare a Top Priority This Election Year Despite Its Record Unpopularity

WASHINGTON --- As Cheri Bustos' Washington Democrat allies prepare to ramp up their election year defense of the government takeover of healthcare, it should be remembered that the 163,000 Illinois seniors that are on Medicare Advantage health plans will be particularly hard hit under their big-government law. The government healthcare takeover is paid for in part by nearly $200 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage programs, which means seniors currently on these plans could find their benefits at risk. Since House Democrats are on the front lines defending their big-government healthcare takeover this year, will Bustos join them and accept these consequences for seniors in Illinois?

“Cheri Bustos' House Democrat allies call their government takeover of healthcare their ‘crown jewel’ and have made it clear it is their top priority to defend it this election year,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “But is Bustos willing to help them when 163,000 Illinois seniors could suddenly find their health benefits at risk because the government healthcare takeover was paid for in part with drastic cuts to Medicare?”

There are currently 163,000 seniors in Illinois who rely on Medicare Advantage benefits. (“Total Medicare Advantage (MA) Enrollment, 2011,” The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Accessed 5/2/12)

The government takeover of healthcare’s cuts to Medicare could put Medicare Advantage benefits at risk:

“Seniors in a number of states risk losing their Medicare Advantage benefits because of cuts in President Obama’s healthcare reform law, according to a new report from Avalere. The law contains about $200 billion in direct and indirect cuts to private Medicare plans through 2017.” (Julian Pecquet, “Report: Healthcare law cuts put Medicare Advantage benefits at risk in some states,” The Hill’s Healthwatch Blog, 3/12/12)

House Democrats in Washington are on the front lines of defending their government healthcare takeover this year:

“The law is divisive, and in swing states it’s an albatross for Democrats including the president and some of his Senate allies. So that leaves the House Democrats, many hailing from safe liberal districts where the health care law is popular, to soldier on like a lonely battalion defending the law and reminding the public of its benefits.” (Jonathan Allen, “The Obama Vacuum: House Dems defend health-care reform,” Politico, 3/21/12)

ObamaCare Could Put 163,000 IL Seniors’ Medicare Benefits at Risk: Will Bustos Join the Fight to Protect It? #gopcodered


Millionaires, billionaires, and big oil companies

Have you heard Cheri Bustos lately? She sounds a little something like this:

"Millionaires! Billionaires! Big Oil Companies! Bobby Schilling is the incumbent congressman. Billionaires. Big Oil Companies. Millionaires."

Just for the readers reference, Bobby Schilling is a small business owner, a pizza shop owner actually. 

Cheri Bustos on the other hand is the former marketing director for Iowa Health Systems and made $306,000 her last year there.

Bustos isn't fooling anyone.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Will Bustos Learn from the Democrats Solyndra Stimulus Disaster?

Illinois Democrat’s Washington Allies Remain Desperately Committed to their Fatally Flawed National Energy Policy

WASHINGTON --- Cheri Bustos' Washington Democrat allies promised jobs and energy independence when they passed their massive $800 billion stimulus, but it became increasingly clear that gambling with taxpayer dollars was going to cause more harm than good. Despite the obvious lessons learned from the unprecedented spending spree, would Bustos also cling to these failed stimulus spending policies like her prospective Democrat leaders after they gave Americans the Solyndra bankruptcy scandal and record-high energy prices?

“Cheri Bustos can now see exactly how her Washington Democrat leaders’ stimulus spending spree led to failures like the Solyndra bankruptcy instead of economic recovery and energy independence,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “With this in mind, will Bustos join her Democrat allies’ efforts to continue the same energy policies that gave Americans the $535 million Solyndra bankruptcy, record-high energy prices and broken promises?”

A former FBI agent hired to investigate the Solyndra bankruptcy concluded the Obama Administration was well aware of the risk when they decided to gamble with millions in taxpayer-funded stimulus loans:

“The Department of Energy was fully aware of the risks in backing Solyndra Inc., a start-up company that pocketed a half-billion dollar DOE loan but never turned a penny in profit before shutting its doors, concludes a former FBI agent hired to examine the company’s books…

“In fact, records show, the Energy Department supported the Solyndra financing in the early days of the Obama administration in the face of criticism from officials within several wings of government — the Office of Management and Budget, the U.S. Treasury and DOE. ‘This deal is NOT ready for prime time,’ one OMB employee wrote March 10, 2009, government emails show. Ten days later, energy officials announced Solyndra was in line to be the first company to secure a green energy loan guarantee.” (Ronnie Greene, “Department of Energy knew of Solyndra risks, former FBI agent finds,” iWatch News, 3/29/12)

And Democrats remained committed to their stimulus energy flops after they managed to achieve little except burning through taxpayer money:

“Week after week, Romer would march in with an estimate of the jobs all the investments in clean energy would produce; week after week, Obama would send her back to check the numbers. ‘I don't get it,’ he'd say. ‘We make these large-scale investments in infrastructure. What do you mean there are no jobs?’ But the numbers rarely budged.” (Jordan Weissmann, “There Are Way Fewer Green Jobs Than You Think,” The Atlantic, 3/26/12)

Shields: Tales Of A Politician Who Will Say Anything To Distract Illinois Taxpayers From Her Job-Destroying Policies; IL-17 Race of the Day

I read this article today and loved every sentence.


Democrat Cheri Bustos could write a book on how to distract voters from her disturbing job-destroying record. Anointed by the Chicago political machine as the Democrat candidate in Illinois’ 17th District, Bustos started her campaign by following their playbook by attacking pizzeria owner and union member Bobby Schilling right out of the gate. In an effort to shed light on her aversion to the truth, the NRCC has launched a Web site dedicated to exposing the real Cheri Bustos – The site chronicles Bustos’ record in a series of chapters highlighting her support of big-government policies that have made our economy worse.

The contrast among the candidates in this race could not be more clear. With Bobby Schilling – what you see is what you get. With Cheri Bustos – all you hear are generic talking points designed to hide her support for wasteful spending, drastic cuts to Medicare and job-destroying taxes hikes.

Cheri likes to say, “I will reduce the debt the right way, by cutting wasteful spending.” But Illinois families know that’s nothing more than a tall tale. Take one look at her record in East Moline and you will see why she doesn’t want to talk about the $40,000 taxpayer-funded welcome sign she supported or the $550,000 that was improperly spent leaving Illinois taxpayers footing the bill. According to East Moline’s finance director, this $550,000 was used to fund improper tax rebates, the director said the mistake will “affect next year's budget big time.”

Cheri likes to say, “We need to focus not just on lowering the unemployment rate, but ensuring the jobs created provide livable wages and good benefits.” But under Cheri’s watch the unemployment rate in East Moline grew from 4.3% to 7.4%, and she left the city with an anticipated $1 million budget deficit.
Cheri likes to say, “To ensure Medicare’s long-term financial stability, we should implement common sense reforms to lower costs.” But Bustos wants to keep the government takeover of healthcare in place that already raided $500 billion from Medicare and has increased costs.

Schilling’s experience of running a business and employing Illinoisans stands in stark contrast with Bustos. In Congress, Schilling has fought to cut spending, reduce burdensome regulations and get government out of the way. Utilizing his real-world experience, Schilling has been able to bring together Democrats and Republicans to promote new manufacturing jobs at the Rock Island Arsenal.

In another sign that the DCCC political gerrymandering efforts in Illinois will backfire, Schilling’s base actually increased with 12,000 more Republican primary voters than the old IL-17. Furthermore, the district has a history of electing Republicans, with Mark Kirk and Bill Brady winning this district with 53% of the vote in 2010.

Voters in this new district, which covers northwestern Illinois, sent a small businessman to Congress for a reason in 2010 and won’t be fooled by politician Cheri Bustos who would be a hardworking taxpayer’s worst nightmare.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Cheri Bustos: Queen of the Cheap Shots

Did you see the latest article in the Dispatch, where Cheri Bustos is whining that Schilling is using "unsolicited" attacks against her?


I'm not sure about you, but Bustos has been attacking Schilling (unprovoked) for 9 months.

I say let's get the mud ready. Schilling has laid in silence long enough. It's time for East Moline taxpayers to seek justice from the damage Cheri has caused them.

From Cheri's style of cheap shots, Durbin style politics and making people cry on the job at trinity, you can expect a lot more garbage like this until November.

Monday, March 19, 2012

By far and large margins

Gaulrapp was the best candidate in the WTVP debate. Good job, job, job.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I do not like that Cheri - i - am

I do not like her ridiculous demands.

Anyone else get phone calls from Cheri Bustos demanding large amounts of money for her campaign? She doesn't even ask for it, she demands it. What a "servant" of the people.

Tip for Cheri...DECAF Coffee!

Another reason I am voting for George Gaulrapp.

I've got friends in Peoria who are voting for Gaulrapp because they don't like that Durbin kicked out Sen. Koehler.

I pray to God that my sources are correct and that the Queen of Des Moines is down in the polls.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Money can buy you lots of things

But money can't buy you love!

Sorry Cheri Beri!

Gaulrapp leads by 6 in latest poll, even though Bustos has raised $600k to his $50k.

I was wondering why the far left women on twitter were attacking him.

Will it work?

Gaulrapp would be wise to go nuclear on the Bustos record in East Moline. Doubled unemployment rates, $1 million deficit, property tax increases of 13%.

What a disaster.

Gaulrapp leading in latest poll?

Unconfirmed reports are suggesting that George Gaulrapp has a 6 point lead on Bustos in a recent poll.

Wouldn't it be great to have an upset over the establishment?

Cheri and Emily: Best Friends Forever

Check out this story from Monmouth:

Greg Aguilar:

"Voters need to follow the money trail. Where is the money coming from? That is where the loyalty will be when they get to Washington. With EMILY's List she (Bustos) will have to fight for partial-birth abortion and for minors to have abortions without parental consent. That just scares me."

It's true. Bustos is completely tied to EMILY's list and will be FORCED to fight for partial birth abortion and for minors to have abortions without parental consent.

This type of extremism is worrisome. She definitely is a poor candidate to face a moderate like Schilling in the general election.

Monday, March 12, 2012

< 3 Best Friends < 3

Another reason I'm not voting for Cheri Bustos: Sheila Simon.

Illinois Democrats have ruined this state, yet they are the first people to line up behind Cheri Palin-Bustos' campaign.

Durbin: Bustos not best qualified, but she babysat my kids

Did you all see this? In an interview with the Prairie News Advocate, George Gaulrapp, mayor of Freeport, gave the details of his meeting with Durbin.

For those of you who didn't know, Durbin met with Gaulrapp to tell him to "get out of the race" and to let his alleged god-daughter, Cheri Bustos, take the nomination.

In the interview Gaulrapp says that when he told Durbin that she wasn't the most qualified candidate for the nomination Durbin gave him three responses:

1. He knows her well because she babysat his children.
2. His wife, Loretta Durbin's dream was to see more women get involved in politics.
3. The party would train her to be the best candidate.

What a joke. Is this the type of "transparency" and "honest" government that Cheri Bustos is going to provide?

Thank you sir, may I have another?!

Cheri Palin

Is it me? Or does Cheri Bustos remind a lot of people of a democratic version of Sarah Palin? Sarah couldn't handle being governor, so she resigned early. Cheri couldn't handle 2 meetings a month on the city council, so she resigned.

I guess maybe Palin is actually more qualified than Bustos.

Good bye Cheri Bustos, hello Cheri Palin!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Lies my former alderman told me

When is Cheri Bustos going to be called out on her blatant lies?

She claims to have "wide, grassroots financial support" but received $71,000 from the ABORTION industry?

That's right. EMILY's List -- the most far, left abortion group in the Nation is pouring tens of thousands into Cheri Bustos' campaign account.

Why is the ABORTION industry pouring money into a Western Illinois congressional race?

Furthermore, why is Cheri accepting money from a group that only endorses pro-abortion women who favor absolutely no restrictions on abortion? Does Cheri stand against ANY restrictions on Abortion? Including parental notification, partial birth abortion bans, taxpayer funding bans?

Why is Cheri running on ABORTION rights anyways? Is that really the most important issue in this election?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The bullish*t begins

I'll be honest.

I had high hopes for this next election. As I've stated before, I was raised in a blue collar home that tended democrat but we also didn't like gay marriage or abortion.

Since these candidates have come out, it's been nothing but disappointment. Why?

Dave Koehler didn't have the balls to stand up for his own personal convictions against a powerful U.S. Senator.

Cheri Bustos has turned into a horribly negative, unfair and destructive special interest candidate.

Aguilar and Gaulrapp can't raise a damn dime.

This is fine by me. I was going to support Schilling in the end anyways because of his reasonable support for PLA's. But how disappointing.

It's looking like Bustos will be the nominee. Are Democrats in Illinois that stupid that we are going to nominate a corporate queen who made millions off of the health care industry?

Even Jacobs (as much of a joke he is) would have been an interesting race.

Of course, my personal favorite was Mark Schwiebert. If he had the balls to run, he would've given Schilling a run for his money. Schwiebert is good when it comes to gaining crossover support from independents and even some right wingers. Maybe next time Marky!

Friday, January 13, 2012